County of Santa Clara Health System and Several Other Providers to Begin Providing Vaccines to County Residents Age 65 and Older, Regardless of Where they Usually Receive Care

February 4, 2021​

“No Wrong Door” System Throughout County Will Help Ensure Speedy Vaccination of Residents Most Vulnerable to Severe Illness and Death from COVID-19

Santa Clara County, CA Officials announced today that the County of Santa Clara Health System and several other vaccine providers throughout the county will begin providing COVID-19 vaccines to any county resident age 65 and older, regardless of their healthcare provider or insurance. This “no wrong door” system is designed to ensure that county residents most vulnerable to severe illness and death from COVID-19 can access vaccines more quickly and seamlessly. “The state’s complex vaccine distribution and allocation system, combined with vaccine supply shortages, has led to an uneven vaccine rollout across the county depending on where people get their medical care,” said Dr. Jeff Smith, County Executive for the County of Santa Clara. “The ‘no wrong door’ approach we are implementing is designed to get available vaccines into arms as quickly and equitably as possible in order to save lives.”


News Release


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